Gulshan Kumar in association with Abundantia, A Bandra West Pictures Production presents the video song "Tere Mere" composed by Amaal Mallik, written by Rashmi Virag and sung by Armaan Malik from the upcoming Bollywood movie "Chef",The film is directed By Raja Krishna Menon, Produced By Bhushan Kumar, Krishan Kumar, Vikram Malhotra, Janani Ravichandran & Raja Krishna Menon. Based upon the 2014 Hollywood hit by the same name, which was directed by Jon Favreau, Chef stars - Saif Ali Khan, Svar Kamble, Padmapriya and Chandan Roy Sanyal.
The film is a unique tale of a journey that Roshan Kalra (played by Saif Ali Khan) undertakes to find out his true priorities and source of happiness. It's a story of food and love and family and togetherness. And that of a father's rediscovery of the bond with his son.
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